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Welcome to Queensland Masters Squash Association (QMSA).
Submit your entry to our sanctioned tournaments here on this page.

Please see tournament details and contact information in the QMSA tournament calendar.

⬆️ Tip: Check if you entered already. Find players who have entered your tournament.

Entries close Tuesday before tournament, or earlier as noted in calendar. Late entries may not be accepted.

‼️ Get your $30 discount for www.squash.com.au

Only one player per entry. To add another player, start a new entry after you submit this entry

By submitting your entry, you agree
- to abide by all tournament entry conditions and decisions by the tournament committee
- to receive emails and text messages from QMSA
- for QMSA to take photos of you, and your photos to appear on our websites, social media, and promotional materials
- to adhere to the QMSA Code of Conduct
- to play in the Spirit of the Masters
Note: QMSA does not hold Public Liability Insurance

Powered by volunteers who love squash. Join us.